Monday 24th March
1.15pm Toddlers
Tuesday 25th March
9am Morning Prayer in Church
5pm CYM Groups
Wednesday 26th March
9am Morning Prayer in Church
9.45am Holy Communion
10.30am Coffee Morning in the Hall
Thursday 27th March
9am Morning Prayer in Church
7pm Gathering for Lent in Church
Friday 28th March
9am Morning Prayer in Church
10am Gardening Group in Churchyard
10am Lent Café
7pm Bloodmoor Youth Cafe
Saturday 29th March
9am Morning Prayer in Church
9.30am Worship team meeting in hall
Sunday 30th March (British Summer Time)
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Mothering Sunday All Age service
4pm Song of Praise
Guest speaker on Sunday 23rd at the 10.30
service. David Ottley from Blue Welly Farm will be
speaking about YANA the “You Are Not Alone”
rural mental health charity. The Bishop’s lent
appeal is raising money to support them this year.
Lent café week 1 raised £473.20. What an amazing
Mary and Alan Fox 4-page puzzle available for £2
raising money for the church tower fund with a
prize of £20 for the winner. Grab your quiz at our
Lent Café.
Wednesday Communion in church at 9.45am with
a quiet, reflective service, we are exploring: Paul’s
Wednesday Coffee Morning, an opportunity for
catching up with old friends and making new ones,
every Wednesday at 10.30am in the church hall.
27th March at 7pm Gathering for Lent Course 4
weeks in church. Following the USPG study course;
this year it concentrates on the Nicene Creed.
Graveyard Gardening Group. Fridays between
10am and 12pm. Newcomers are welcome! Please
do consider coming along and enjoying some
fellowship, fresh air, and gardening in our lovely
Lent Café will be on for 3 Friday mornings 10am12pm 28th March/4th April & 11th April.
Bloodmoor Youth Café 28th March 7-8.30pm A
space for young people from Year 9 to college with
games and tuckshop and free Wi-Fi.
Sunday 30th March Songs of praise, any requests
please let the office or Revd Sharon know.
Bishop Ian is coming to conduct a Confirmation
Service on Sunday 20th July: So, if you would like
to be confirmed by the Bishop, please speak to
Revd Sharon Lord, classes will start in May.
Message from Katey, please can we have donations
of small easter eggs to hide around church for
Easter Sunday (Please leave in the Vestry).
Advanced dates for your diary
APCM is on Sunday 6th April, arrive from 3pm to
start at 3.30pm with a meeting followed by
afternoon tea, followed by Holy Communion.
There are several vacancies on PCC, and we are
looking for a new Churchwarden. If you feel called
to these roles, please speak to a member of the
PCC or a Churchwarden.
12th April Wrentham Brass band in Church 7pm,
Tickets £7 on the door, Refreshments available.
25th April is the next Messy Vintage 10.30am12pm
Murder at the Movies, Saturday 26th April at
7pm, Church Hall, Tickets £10 (includes meal,
tea/coffee) from the church office only a few left.
Bloodmoor Youth Café 25th April 7-8.30pm A
space for young people from Year 9 to college with
games and tuckshop and free Wi-Fi.
Palm Sunday 13th April 10.15am: parade with our
donkeys before the 10.30am service in the hall.
Holy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 14th, 15th,
16th April 6.30pm – Evening Prayer.
Maundy Thursday :17th April 6.30pm – Agape
Meal with Holy Communion followed by reflection
and silent vigil.
Good Friday – 18th April 2.00pm An Hour of Prayer
A service of quiet contemplation
Holy Saturday – 19th April 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Parish Prayer Walk,
7.30pm Service of New Fire
Easter Sunday – 20th April
5.40am – Son Rise Service followed by breakfast
7.00am – Holy Communion
10.30am – Family Communion Service (followed by
egg hunt in the church)
What is Pakefield Church?
We are a Christian family who worship God,
care for one another and the local community
and reach out to encourage others
to know Jesus and his love.
Pakefield Church is open every day from 9am to 6pm. You
are welcome to come and meet with God, to enjoy the
peace and quiet and to spend time in prayer.
If you wish to remember the life of a loved one, you can
light a candle in St Margaret’s, and leave a prayer request
in the box there.
Prayer Guide
We believe in the power of prayer. Please give thanks and
pray for the following as you pray during the week.
Pakefield Church
- For visitors to our church, who come to simply
look around or to pray, that they may know God’s
Community - For those approaching and who are already
retired from work. - For those who live or work on Seven Acres,
Shelton Road, Ship Road and Speedwell Close.
People - For those you know who are unwell or in hospital.
- For those who are grieving for a loved one.
- Praise and Thanks
- For answers to prayers in our lives and those of
the ones we love.
Further afield - For all affected by the continuing conflict in
Ukraine. - For the family and friends of the 40 people who
died in the U.S from the tornados, wildfires and
dust storms. - For the family and friends of the 59 people in
North Macedonia who died in a nightclub fire. - For the work of The Bible Society.
(If there is anyone or anything that you would like us to
include in this prayer list, please let the office know)
Follow us on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook Our Sunday service is
livestreamed to our YouTube channel (usually the 10.30am)
We have been awarded Eco Church Silver award.
What 3 Words location
Church – Bookmark. Heaven. Star.
Church Hall – Piano. Headsets. Jubilant.
Eternal God,
give us insight
to discern your will for us,
to give up what harms us,
and to seek the perfection we are promised
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rector: Revd Sharon Lord
01502 516800 (day off Monday)
Hall Bookings Administrator: Ruth Coles
Office opening hours,
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am- 12pm
01502 218150