Weekly Notices

Monday 20th January
10:30am Holy Communion at Hildesley
1.15pm Toddlers
Tuesday 21st January
9am Morning Prayer in Church
5pm CYM groups
Wednesday 22nd January
9am Morning Prayer in Church
9.45am Holy Communion
10.30am Coffee Morning in the Hall
Thursday 23rd January
9am Morning Prayer in Church
7pm Gathering to learn in the cabin
Friday 24th January
9am Morning Prayer in Church
10am Gardening Group in Churchyard
Saturday 25th January
9am Morning Prayer in Church
10am Tabletop Sale
Sunday 26th January
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Morning Worship
4pm Healing Service
A little note from Brenna,
Reminder to people that the Bric a Brac stall will
be part of the Lent Cafe and any items that are
in good condition will be gratefully received on
the day or at church on 9th March, so Leslie and
I have “new” things for sale. But, please, no
calendars as they never sell.
Wednesday Communion in church at 9.45am
with a quiet, reflective service we will be
exploring: Galatians.
Wednesday Coffee Morning, an opportunity for
catching up with old friends and making new
ones, every Wednesday at 10.30am in the
church hall.
Graveyard Gardening Group. Fridays between
10am and 12pm. Newcomers are welcome!
Please do consider coming along and enjoying
some fellowship, fresh air, and gardening in our
lovely churchyard.
January 2025 in Church Cabin Bible Study on
King David (Using Samuel and Psalms) 7pm to
8pm, come along! :
23rd Gathering to Learn about David week 3
30th Gathering to Learn about David week 4.
Gathering to Learn in February in church cabin
6th Gathering to Learn about David week 5
13th Gathering to Learn about David week 6
20th Gathering to Learn about David week 7
27th Gathering to Pray in Church.
Saturday 25th January Tabletop Sale first one of
the year. Come and grab a bargain. Fully booked
now. Please contact Ruth in the office to book
for sales at a later date (01502 218150 or email
Advanced Dates for your diary
Tabletop sale dates for 2025, To pop in your
diaries: 22nd February, 22nd March, 26th April, 27th
September, 25th October and 22nd November. To
book a table contact Ruth at the church office. £3
deposit to secure your table.
PCC meeting on Monday 27th January at 7pm in
the Church Cabin
Sunday 2nd February Candlemas in Church at our
4pm service
Gathering to explore our hymns and worship
songs 7pm in the hall Tuesday 18th February. Do
you play an instrument, do you enjoy singing?
Come along and help us choose Pakefield’s top
100 hymns and worship songs to sing in 2025.
Valentines Quiz Saturday 15 Feb 6.45pm for 7pm
start, Tickets £3 (includes nibbles) Bring your own
drinks. Make a team or join one on the night!
Tickets from Ruth in the office. Proceeds to Church
Messy Vintage 28th February, the theme is the
renewal of nature reflecting the beauty of life.
‘The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the
singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle
dove is heard in our land’ (Song of Solomon 2:12)
This verse from the Song of Solomon captures the
beauty of spring, a time when leaves and flowers
March 6th Gathering to worship in church.
13th March Gathering for Lent Course in church.
Gathering for Lent will run from 13th March for 5
weeks in church.
Lent Café will be on for 5 Friday mornings 10am- 12pm – 14th March/21st March/28th March, 4th April & 11th April.
If you can help in anyway, either on the day or
making treats and goodies then please let Judith
Betts know via email: judiq1966@hotmail.com or
phone: 07753 613433. Thank you.
What is Pakefield Church?
We are a Christian family who worship God,
care for one another and the local community
and reach out to encourage others
to know Jesus and his love.
Pakefield Church is open every day from 9am to 6pm. You
are welcome to come and meet with God, to enjoy the
peace and quiet and to spend time in prayer.
If you wish to remember the life of a loved one, you can
light a candle in St Margaret’s, and leave a prayer request
in the box there.
Prayer Guide
We believe in the power of prayer. Please give thanks and
pray for the following as you pray during the week.
Pakefield Church

  • For visitors to our church, who come to simply
    look around or to pray, that they may know God’s
  • Social workers, carers in homes and home carers
    who work with the elderly.
  • For those who live or work on Kirkdale Court,
    Lansdowne Road, Laxfield Way and London Road
  • For those you know who are unwell or in hospital.
  • For those who are grieving for a loved one.
  • Please pray for the family and friends of Kath
    Chalkley following her death (Revd Sharon’s
  • Praise and Thanks
  • For answers to prayers in our lives and those of
    the ones we love.
    Further afield
  • For all affected by the continuing conflict in Israel
    and Gaza and also in The Ukraine.
  • For the family and friends of everyone affected by
    the wildfires in Los Angeles.
  • To all family and friends of the 16 civilians killed in
    Nigeria during the Air Strike mistake.
  • For the work of Mission to Seafarers.
    (If there is anyone or anything that you would like us to
    include in this prayer list, please let the office know)
    Follow us on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook Our Sunday service is
    livestreamed to our YouTube channel (usually the 10.30am)
    We have been awarded Eco Church Silver award.
    What 3 Words location
    Church – Bookmark. Heaven. Star.
    Church Hall – Piano. Headsets. Jubilant.

    The Second Sunday of Epiphany
    Eternal Lord,
    our beginning and our end:
    bring us with the whole creation
    to your glory, hidden through past ages
    and made known
    in Jesus Christ our Lord.