Sunday Club
This will be meeting every Sunday in the Church Hall from 10.30 am to 11.45 am apart from Holy Communion in Church on the first Sunday of the month.
Children and Youth Ministry
CYM Roundup
February is the month of love which was certainly the case as many families gathered to join us for our messy church. Now being on a Saturday, it is a pleasure to welcome some new faces. The children were able to make some precious trinkets to take home and share with someone special. There were many delicious looking heart shaped biscuits which were decorated beautifully by many. Cards and bracelets were made and shared amongst friends.
In our Tuesday clubs we have started to look at the ‘Beatitudes’ taken from the gospel of Matthew. The youth and young children are using this approach as a mapping tool to how Jesus wants us to live. The young people were particularly interested and responsive to ‘blessed are the peace makers’ with many of them finding peace with personal situations.
The toddler group has welcomed lots of new families with little ones this half term. We cannot wait to be blessed with warmer weather to get outside onto the grass for a run around. These sessions are a perfect opportunity for families to network, join together and share a cup of coffee and of course a biscuit- getting to know one another forming delightful relationships. We are always looking for new team members to support this group on a Monday afternoon, whether to help deliver an activity or to serve refreshments.
The next Messy Church is Saturday 8th March from 10:30 – 12:30. There will be lots of lovely crafts, fun and games, bible stories, lunch and friendship.
See you there!
Katey and all the CYM team