Pakefield Church’s Mothers’ Union meets from 2.00 – 3.30pm in the Church Hall on the third Thursday of each month. They are a friendly group of ladies (although men may also join). They also host and lead the Living for Life course that we run as part of our marriage preparation course.
It was Sue who was our leader for the December meeting and took our short service before asking the first member to read their favourite poem, be it amusing or otherwise. There were poems written by old favourites, Pam Ayres, John Betjeman and Thomas Hardy, to name but a few. Janet recollected an amusing story about more of her travels when she mistook a machine for ice cream and got mashed potatoes!
Each reader got to choose a carol. We welcomed Rev. Sharon and, rather appropriately, her address was about carols, how and what inspired the person who wrote them and also the person setting them to music. The authors may well have been a poet, such as Christina Rossetti who wrote ‘In the Bleak Mid-winter’ with music by Gustav Holst. It certainly makes one think more about the work that goes into carols which have existed for such a long time and which we still love to hear and sing at this special time of the year. Suitably inspired, therefore, it was time for tea with a variety of mince tarts and cakes and pulling crackers, thank you Karen and Glynis for organising. Also thank you Karen for sorting out the meetings for next year and writing and handing out our programme for next year.
We meet again in 2025 on the 16th January which Sheila is leading and is the Wave of Prayer, Sheila will give the financial position and there will be a quiz.
Visitors welcome, we meet in the church hall every third Thursday, 14.00 hours.
A happy and, especially, healthy New Year to all members and to those who can no longer attend because of disabilities or have moved away.
On behalf of all the stall holders at the church Christmas Fair a big thank you to everyone who donated gifts for the stalls. We couldn’t do it without all your generosity.
Events team.
Di Pitts and Vernon Robson would like to thank all those who contributed in any way to the Bottle Stall at the Church Christmas Fayre, it was very successful, and we appreciate all the donations. THANK YOU .