Mothers’ Union

Pakefield Church’s Mothers’ Union meets from 2.00 – 3.30pm in the Church Hall on the third Thursday of each month. They are a friendly group of ladies (although men may also join).  They also host and lead the Living for Life course that we run as part of our marriage preparation course.  


Bearing in mind it is the month of February when Valentine’s Day is celebrated, Bea’s theme as she led the meeting on the 20th was this reminder of love.

Conversely; MU has been running a campaign for some time, highlighting domestic abuse, illustrated by an exhibition of shoes belonging to men, women and children which has been travelling around the diocese and has arrived in the porch at Pakefield Church entitled “Souls of our Shoes”. Each pair comes with a poignant message explaining the pain and fear endured by victims. For example, a child whose only refuge is being at school and dreads school holidays.

After the short service, Bea welcomed Trudie who had kindly agreed to give a talk on a former rector of our church, Lewis Price, who died in 1906 and who, according to a newspaper article at the time, ..”walked in peace and unrighteousness but that his early career was rather stormy”… To say the least!! as Trudie was about to reveal the pathway of his journey to Pakefield. Space doesn’t allow to report the full account of Trudie’s carefully researched but convoluted story of dark tales of intrigue, cults, suicides, forced marriage to wealthy women, their fortune going to their husband, kidnapping and much more!

Trudie is a great story-teller and members sat quietly and attentively absorbing the lurid details and wondering whatever next? The story ended its journey as Lewis Price arrived at Pakefield and members were left curious as to how this saga continued. To this end, Trudie was swiftly booked for our September meeting. Trudie’s ‘trailer’ was ….”he was very fond of the ladies”!!

A further reminder of our table top sale on the 22nd March. Speak to Lorna or ring any member of the committee if you need help transporting an item for sale as we raise funds for MU. A further plea, DON’T FORGET THE BRING AND BUY TABLE !

We continue to be in contact with Jean W and Jean L, they are both settling into their new environment, although in both cases, they haven’t been able to locate a MU in their district.

Our next meeting is on the 20th March, commemorating Lady Day with a service, followed by a playing card game, winners get chocolate! Most of all come to enjoy the followship of our meeting!