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Our Church Warden Di Pitts writes………
“If you go down in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise.”, so the words of the song tell us. Well, I did go down, and into Gunton Woods, but instead of teddy bears having a picnic, there were clumps of flowering snow-drops, bobbing their heads about in the breeze as if to say “Hey, Spring is on its way!” I always feel that they are the heralds of spring, just as the angels told the shepherds about the ‘New King born today’. With that also comes the hope of sunny days and warmer weather.
We can offer hope and a sunnier outlook to any stranger that we meet by giving a sunny smile and a warm friendly greeting. Who knows, we may be the only person to make contact with that stranger that day, and that perhaps gives hope to them, but surely a warm feeling to you yourself. By a simple act of kindness, we can be the heralds of Christianity any day of the week wherever we are, for Christian acts do not just happen on a Sunday in a Church Building.
So my challenge to you all is to be ‘heralds’ like those snowdrops, pass the time of day with those around you – don’t be shy, for God is with you.
With God’s blessings
Di Pitts