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Our Rector Revd Sharon Lord writes………
What would Jesus Do?
As we move into Advent, a time when we take extra time to consider our faith, a time of preparation and waiting, we are interrupted by politics. Oh dear, what would Jesus do?
Well, although he was a radical, perhaps even a rule breaker, he did respect for the law (give to Caesar what is Caesars). His ministry was to care for the poor, the outcast and marginalised, he saw a society that had become unjust, selfish and uncaring.
As Christians we take on the ministry of Jesus, it is our turn to care for our community; the poor, the marginalised, the refugee. Regardless of our political opinion and decisions being made, the most vulnerable in our community need our care and support. Perhaps like me you will be giving to local charities like the foodbank this Advent
As we move towards Christmas and ponder on the first Christmas, the bible tells us that Angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her that was to have a baby and that he would be the Messiah for all people ‘For nothing is impossible with God’ When He was born, the shepherds recognised and visited the King of the world and ‘Mary treasured all these things in her heart’.
We too need to pause and treasure the gift of Christmas in our hearts. That gift is simply Jesus, who came to reveal God’s truth and love to us, who died and rose for every one of us. So this Christmas treasure and reflect on the gift of Jesus, the faith we share, the one and only world leader on whom we can put our complete trust – For nothing is impossible with God.
May you have a prayerful Advent and a very peaceful Christmas!
God bless Sharon