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Our Rector Revd Sharon Lord writes………

Spring is just around the corner!

As I wander around the garden at The Rectory, I see lots of little green shoots, telling me, that not only is spring just around the corner but that there are lots of spring bulbs in the garden too!

They are wonderful surprises for us to discover. At the moment I’m not sure what they are; perhaps daffodils, perhaps crocus, perhaps tulips, or perhaps something a bit exotic!

I think that perhaps Jesus was full of surprises too.

He was a surprise to Mary, she wasn’t expecting to have a baby. He was a surprise to Joseph too!

Then, as he grew up and we have that wonderful story of him at the age of 12 (Luke 2: 41-52). Not only does he surprise his parents, but all the people in the Temple in Jerusalem too ,with his understanding of the Jewish Scriptures.

We have Nicodemus (John 3) who was surprised when Jesus told him he had to be born again of water and the spirit. Throughout his ministry Jesus surprised the people with his teaching, and the miracles he performed. He surprised the authorities with his words and actions too.

Then, the biggest surprise of all, on Easter Morning, when Jesus broke the chains of death in his resurrection! Wow, God is full of surprises!

And God is full of surprises, today, in 2019 too. So, think and ponder on our God of surprises, and what has He surprised You with this week?

Every Blessing

Revd Sharon